Bylaws and Policies

Wahissa Lodge #118 Bylaws   (printable version)

Wahissa Lodge #118 Elections Policies & Procedures   (printable version)

Wahissa Lodge #118 Bylaws


We, the Scouts and Scouters of Wahissa Lodge #118, Order of the Arrow, W.W.W., Boy Scouts of America, recognize the need to develop and maintain camping traditions by enriching camping experiences and to crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life of leadership in cheerful service to others, do hereby ordain and establish these bylaws for our Lodge.

Article I. Name, Insignia, and Affiliation

Section 1.01   The name of this Lodge of the Order of the Arrow shall be Wahissa Lodge #118, W.W.W., Boy Scouts of America.

Section 1.02   The Lodge shall be affiliated with the Old Hickory Council, Scouts BSA, and shall be under the direct supervision of the Council Camping Committee, or its successor, and under the direct administrative authority of the Council Scout Executive.

Section 1.03   The totem of the Lodge shall be the peace pipe.

Section 1.04   The standard set of colors for Lodge emblems and memorabilia shall be green, brown, and white.

Section 1.05   The Lodge Executive Committee shall approve the design of all emblems and memorabilia including the lodge name and/or the lodge totem. Any exclusive memorabilia created in Wahissa with the lodge name or totem, with the exception of chapter memorabilia, shall seek approval from the LEC.

Section 1.06   The Lodge shall be divided into Chapters as follows:

a) Eke Otkia Chapter
i.   Consisting of Scouts and Scouters in Unit numbers in the 400s.
b)      Kola Chapter
i.   Consisting of Scouts and Scouters in Unit numbers in the 500s.
c)     Sapona Chapter
i.   Consisting of Scouts and Scouters in Unit numbers in the 600s and 299.
d)       Sheltowee Chapter
i.  Consisting of Scouts and Scouters in Unit numbers in the 700s, 800s, and 900s.
e)       Takachsin Chapter
i.   Consisting of Scouts and Scouters in Unit numbers in the 300s.
f)      Zelo Zelos Chapter
i.   Consisting of Scouts and Scouters in Unit numbers in the 100s and the 200s.

Section 1.07   The G. Kellock Hale, Jr., Training Center (also known as the Lodge Building) was conceived, financed, and constructed during the early 1970s by Wahissa Lodge, with the approval of the Old Hickory Council Executive Board. The Lodge recognizes that the building is an integral part of the operation of the Raven Knob Scout Reservation. The maintenance and care of the Lodge Building are the responsibilities of the Old Hickory Council. The spiritual values of the Order of the Arrow enhance Scouting’s principles of service and duty to God, country, and fellow man. The members of Wahissa Lodge have sought to capture this spirit in the Lodge Building which itself, sits on a high point in the center of the camp amidst the tall oaks and pines in a symbolic representation of these high principles.

Article II. Election to Membership

Section 2.01   The requirements for membership in the Lodge are as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook, published by the National Order of the Arrow Committee of the Boy Scouts of America.

Section 2.02   Procedures for unit nomination and elections are as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook.

Section 2.03  Every effort shall be made to have unit elections conducted by Order of the Arrow members not affiliated with the unit holding an election and at least one member of the election team must be under twenty-one (21) years of age.  At least one member of the team must have completed a Lodge-approved Unit Election Training Seminar conducted by the Lodge Vice Chief of Inductions or their representative.

Section 2.04   All unit elections shall be completed annually according to the National Order of the Arrow policy.

Section 2.05   If Ordeal candidates do not seem to be meeting the requirements of the Ordeal to the best of their ability, the candidate shall be referred to the Lodge Chief and the Lodge Adviser, or their appointed representatives, for counseling.

Section 2.06   Attainment of the Brotherhood status shall be in accordance with the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook.

Section 2.07   Attainment of the Vigil Honor shall be in accordance with the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook.

Article III. Officers and Advisers

Section 3.01   Lodge Officers

a. The officers of the Lodge shall be as follows:

  1. Chief
  2. Vice Chief of Activities
  3. Vice Chief of Administration
  4. Vice Chief of Communications
  5. Vice Chief of Finance
  6. Vice Chief of Indian Affairs
  7. Vice Chief of Inductions

Refer to Section 3.05 to determine the order of succession.

b. The officers shall be under the age of twenty-one (21) for their entire term

Section 3.02   The officers of each Chapter of the Lodge shall be Chapter Chiefs and Vice Chiefs as determined by the Chapter.  The officers must be under the age of twenty-one (21) for their entire term.

Section 3.03   The duties of the officers shall be published annually. Additional duties may be assigned to them by the Lodge Chief as deemed necessary for the successful operation of the Lodge.

Section 3.04   Lodge and Chapter officers shall be elected at the Annual Business Meeting.  Chapter Officers shall be elected in separate meetings following the Lodge election.  The term for all Lodge and Chapter officers shall be from their installation at the Annual Banquet until the installation of officers the following year.

Section 3.05   A vacancy in the office of Lodge Chief shall be filled by a Lodge Vice Chief, succeeding in an order determined by the Chief-elect and approved at that time of election by the Lodge membership.  Vacancies in other Lodge offices shall be filled by appointment by the Chief, after consultation with the appropriate advisers.  This appointment shall be approved by a majority vote of the Lodge Executive Committee.  Vacancies in Chapter offices shall be filled in the same manner, substituting the word Chapter for Lodge.

Section 3.06   An elected officer shall be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Lodge Executive Committee for failure to perform their duties in a satisfactory manner.  The vacancy shall be filled as stated in Section 3.05.

Section 3.07   Officers may appoint assistants, subject to the approval of the Lodge Executive Committee.

Section 3.08   The Council Scout Executive shall appoint the Lodge Adviser, Staff Adviser, and Chapter Advisers.  All advisers shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age during their entire term of office.

Section 3.09   Any youth or adult in a position of leadership can request mediation with the Lodge Chief, Lodge Advisor, and Lodge Staff Advisor.

Article IV. The Executive Committee

Section 4.01   Lodge Executive Committee

Section 4.01   Lodge Executive Committee

a. The Executive Committee of the Lodge shall consist of the following members:

  1. Immediate past Lodge Chief and Chapter Chiefs
  2. Lodge Adviser and Staff Adviser
  3. The elected Lodge Officers and their Advisers
  4. Committee Chairmen & their Advisers (as outlined in Section 4.03)
  5. Chapter Chiefs and their Advisers
  6. Council Scout Executive or their appointed representative
  7. Camp Ranger

b. A quorum shall consist of:

  1. The Lodge Chief
  2. The Lodge Adviser
  3. The Council Scout Executive or their appointed representative
  4. And any other six (6) voting youth members of the Lodge Executive Committee

c. The Lodge Executive Committee shall hold at least six (6) announced meetings a year.

Section 4.02   Chapter Executive Committee

a. Chapter Executive Committee shall consist of the following members:

  1. Immediate past Chapter Chief
  2. Chapter Adviser
  3. The elected Chapter Officers and their Advisers
  4. Committee Chairmen & their Advisers (as outlined in Section 4.03)
  5. Chapter Staff Adviser or their appointed representative
  6. Lodge Chief (Ex Officio)

b. A quorum shall consist of:

  1. The Chapter Chief
  2. The Chapter Adviser
  3. Any other four (4) voting youth members of the Chapter Executive Committee
  4. The Chapter Staff Adviser or their appointed representative

c. The Chapter Executive Committee shall hold at least four (4) announced meetings a year.

Section 4.03   The Lodge Chief and Chapter Chiefs shall establish standing committees and appoint a chairman, after consulting with their adviser(s).  The Lodge or Chapter Adviser shall appoint the committee Advisers.  The Lodge Chief and Chapter Chiefs may also appoint ad hoc committees throughout the year, as deemed necessary for the successful functioning of the Lodge or Chapter. All committee chairmen shall be under the age of twenty-one (21) for their entire terms of office.  All advisers must be at least twenty-one (21) during their entire terms of office.

Section 4.04   The minutes and other pertinent data from these Executive Committee meetings will be provided to all members of the Executive Committee by the Lodge Vice Chief of Administration or by the Chapter officer counterpart within twenty-one (21) days following the meeting.

Section 4.05   The Council Scout Executive or Lodge Chief, in consultation with the Lodge Adviser and Staff Adviser, may call special meetings of the Lodge Executive Committee.  The same procedure may be used by the Chapters, substituting the word Chapter for Lodge.

Section 4.06   Members of the Order of the Arrow twenty-one (21) years of age or older, holding the position of Adviser, shall have no vote in the decisions of the Lodge or Chapter and may make no formal motions.  However, they may contribute when the floor is open for discussion.

Section 4.07   The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of the Lodge where applicable and not inconsistent with the bylaws of the Lodge.

Article V. Lodge Activities

Section 5.01   All meetings of the Lodge shall be opened with the Obligation of the Order of the Arrow and closed with the Song of our Order.

Section 5.02   At a Lodge Executive Committee Meeting at the beginning of each Lodge year, a calendar for the next year will be adopted, with due consideration given to the Old Hickory Council calendar.  Revisions to the planned program may be made with the approval of the Lodge Executive Committee.  The calendar shall include:

a. Lodge Executive Committee Meetings (Consult Section 4.01 c)
b. Lodge Officers Training Seminar
c. Spring Fellowship
d. Section Conclave
e. Call-Out Ceremonies
f. Ordeals
g. Fall Fellowship
h. Annual Business Meeting (Consult Section 5.03)
i. Annual Banquet

Section 5.03   The Annual Business Meeting shall be held during Fall Fellowship.

Section 5.04   The Chapters shall have at least four (4) meetings and one (1) annual workday that are separate from Lodge functions.

Section 5.05   The proper attire for all Lodge Executive Committee Meetings will be the Official Boy Scouts of America Class A Uniform, along with the Order of the Arrow sash.

Article VI. Dues and Finances

Section 6.01   The Council, in consultation with the Lodge Vice Chief of Finance and his Adviser, shall handle all Order of the Arrow funds.  All funds shall go through normal accounting procedures used by the Old Hickory Council, and all monetary requests shall go through a system, approved by the Council, in order for funds to be dispersed.  No Chapter may handle its own funds.  Chapter custodial accounts will be handled in a manner similar to Lodge funds.

Section 6.02   Dues shall be collected annually in an amount set by the Lodge Executive Committee.  Those Lodge members serving in the Armed Forces of the United States are to remain active members, without payment of dues, throughout their term of service.  All charter members and other lifetime members shall be included on the roll without further payment of dues.

Section 6.03   Members who have been inactive for a year or more may be restored to active status by paying one year’s back dues and the current year’s dues.

Section 6.04   Any Scout or Scouter, having been inducted into the Order of the Arrow of another Lodge, may become a member of Wahissa Lodge #118 upon presentation of proper credentials and payment of the current year’s dues.

Section 6.05   The Lodge financial year shall run from January 1 to December 31, in accordance with the Council financial year.  At the first Lodge Executive Committee meeting, a budget of estimated income and expenditures for the coming year will be adopted with the approval of the Council Scout Executive. At each Lodge Executive Committee meeting, a financial report shall be provided to all Lodge members.

Section 6.06   There shall be an induction fee, payable at the time of registration for all candidates at each Ordeal.  For such, each new Ordeal member shall receive:

a. A membership card
b. An Order of the Arrow Ordeal Sash
c. A copy of the Lodge Bylaws
d. One (1) Lodge flap
e. A Brotherhood questionnaire
f. Witschindin

Article VII. Amendments to these Bylaws

Section 7.01   The rules may be amended at any regular or special Lodge meeting.  The proposed changes must have been submitted to the Lodge Executive Committee at least thirty (30) days prior to the Lodge meeting.  Due notice shall be made to all Lodge members at least ten (10) days prior to the aforementioned Lodge meeting.  A two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present shall be required for approval.  Any revision in the Bylaws will be made known to the Lodge membership.

Section 7.02   These Bylaws shall be in accordance with the current Order of the Arrow policy and the current edition of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Field Operations Guide.  In the event that any substantial conflict is discovered, appropriate changes to these Bylaws will be made by the Lodge Executive Committee.

Section 7.03   The Council Scout Executive has ultimate responsibility for the supervision of the Lodge program and may deem special procedures to be followed if unusual circumstances warrant such action.

These bylaws were approved in 2022 and superseded all previous Wahissa Lodge #118, W.W.W., and Boy Scouts of America bylaws. The most recent revisions of the bylaws took place in 2018 and 2022. 

Wahissa Lodge #118 Elections Policies & Procedures

The purpose of this election procedure is to assure an unbiased method for choosing Wahissa Lodge Officers.  All prospective candidates should read these guidelines, and fully understand them before campaigning begins.

  1. Each prospective candidate, a dues-paid member, shall announce their candidacy for office between the Monday following the second ordeal and the weekend of Fall Fellowship in writing to the Lodge Key 3.
  2. Campaigning with signs and handouts shall not begin before Fall Fellowship.
  3. No candidate will spend more than fifty ($50.00) on their campaign.  This includes donations and items previously purchased. A candidate may be disqualified for violating this provision.
  4. Adults shall not actively campaign for any candidate.
  5. A forum for Lodge members to meet the candidates will be included on the schedule for Fall Fellowship.  The Lodge Chief will determine the format for this Candidates’ Forum.
  6. The elections will be held at the Annual Business Meeting.  The business meeting will be conducted in accordance with the Lodge Bylaws.

a. Nominations for each office shall be made by any youth member below the age of twenty-one (21) years with current dues paid. Nominees shall indicate that they accept. Nominations for each office shall be closed only once before balloting for that office begins. The Lodge Chief shall be elected first followed by the election of officers based on the standing lodge chief’s order of succession.

b. Each candidate will have the opportunity to address the membership for a maximum of three (3) minutes.  They will speak in alphabetical order.

c. A total of hundred (100) votes will be cast on each ballot. Chapter votes will be allotted as follows:

i. Each chapter will receive a base ten of (10) votes out of the one hundred, with the remaining portion being divided according to the percentage of current, dues paid YOUTH members (under 21) for that chapter in the previous calendar year in relation to the total YOUTH membership in the Lodge. The vote will be apportioned in whole votes, not fractions.

ii. Chapters will poll their delegates via secret ballot to determine how their allotted votes will be cast. Each Chapter must vote in proportion to this poll in whole votes, not fractions. Telephone, email, or other proxy votes are not permitted. In no circumstance shall an adult (21 and over) be permitted to vote.

d. The candidate receiving a simple majority (at least 50% of the vote plus one (1) vote) will be the officer-elect.  In the case where a simple majority is not received by any candidate, another ballot is taken.  The candidate(s) receiving the least number of votes is (are) dropped and the candidates receiving the majority will be retained for the next ballot. Each candidate will be allowed to address the membership for one (1) additional minute, and the second ballot will be conducted at the conclusion of the speeches.  In the event of a tie, the Lodge Chief will cast the deciding vote, giving the candidate sufficient votes to achieve a majority.

e. The Chief-elect will select the order of succession for the remaining Offices after all offices have been filled, following the guidelines stated in the Lodge Bylaws, Section 3.05.

f. The remaining offices will be decided following the procedures outlined in 6 a-d above until all offices are filled.

  1. The new officers-elect will be installed at the Annual Banquet.  They will work closely with the incumbent officers between Fall Fellowship and the Annual Banquet. A training weekend will be conducted for them by the Lodge Key Three, so that they may gain a better understanding of their new positions
  2. Vacancies in any office will be handled in accordance with the Lodge Bylaws, Section 3.05.
  3. The immediate past Chief will enforce these rules.  If he should be unable to attend the weekend or these events, the current Chief will appoint one (1) Arrowman to assume this responsibility.
  4. Any candidate who plans to run for Lodge Chief must, in addition to sending a written or emailed letter, meet with the Lodge Key 3 before the Annual Business Meeting to discuss the expectations and responsibilities of the office, and to outline their goals for the lodge during their potential term.
  5. The use of social media by a candidate as a campaign tool shall be prohibited during the allotted campaign time. A candidate may be disqualified for violating this provision.
  6. Any revisions that must be made to these Election Policies & Procedures must be approved by the Lodge Executive Committee.

The guidelines above will also be used for chapter office elections, inserting the word chapter for the lodge where appropriate.